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What our clients say about us...

  • "At Elite Jets, we use the data intelligence and interactive visuals the Datamize team provides every day to better understand the pulse of our business, make informed decisions, and develop focused actions in our constantly changing environment. Datamize uses data (both public and private) to take our digital experience to the next level. Since we have been working with Datamize our revenue has dramatically increased, we are hiring more people, and adding jets to our fleet based on our predictive data analyses. If you have an opportunity to work with Datamize, I strongly recommend you take advantage of it."
    Stephen Myers
    Executive Vice President
    Elite Jets
  • "Allowing the Datamize team to revamp and take control of all of our digital communications has led to a staggering increase in online donations. Their mix of data, technology, and omnichannel fundraising expertise is very unique. They re-platformed our website and designed a great experience. From the website overhaul and content on social media to the data-powered technology to help veterans in need, we have seen tremendous growth and a positive shift in our organization."
    Joseph VanFonda
    The Disabled Veterans National Foundation
  • "Where do we begin! Judah and the Datamize team have been instrumental in helping us to amplify our online presence and marketing strategy. Their expertise in using targeted content through various media channels has led to an increase in online donations and has given us great visibility and reach as well. Traffic to our website has grown exponentially and the changes we have made based on their data-driven recommendations have proven to increase conversions. The best part is they have taken time to understand our mission and support it! They are really an extension of our in-house team and have become an integral part of operations."
    Julie Fitts Ritter
    Executive Director
    The Padre Pio Foundation of America
  • "Datamize has been working with us to reach our most cherished audience and increase our online fundraising efforts. Our regular meetings really help to keep our projects on track and running smoothly. And the way they use data and technology is amazing. We are so grateful for their knowledge and expertise!"
    Margaret Cuccinello
    Development Director
    Sisters of Charity
  • "Our Datamize team is interesting, knowledgeable, and fun to work with! In our regular meetings, they always provide valuable recommendations and work collaboratively with our team to execute digital marketing strategies tailored to our unique needs. We had our biggest year ever and we want to continue to leverage data, new technology, and digital marketing strategies to create great experiences for our clients and employees. Datamize is a great partner to have on your team to stay ahead of the competition."
    Beth Horn
    Chief Growth & Marketing Officer
    Northwestern Mutual
  • "I've been working with the Datamize team for about 6 months now, and couldn't be more pleased.  They've guided me to target the right markets, assisted me in developing new products, and increased my sales.  They are hard-working, smart, and reliable and take my business to heart.  I now feel like I have a great marketing team that I can rely on.  In addition, they are great people and a pleasure to work with."
    Martin Rossman
    The Healing Mind
  • At Elite Jets, we use the data intelligence and interactive visuals the Datamize team provides every day to better understand the pulse of our business, make informed decisions, and develop focused actions in our constantly changing environment. Datamize uses data (both public and private) to take our digital experience to the next level. Since we have been working with Datamize our revenue has dramatically increased, we are hiring more people, and adding jets to our fleet based on our predictive data analyses. If you have an opportunity to work with Datamize, I strongly recommend you take advantage of it.
    Stephen Myers
    Executive Vice President
    Elite Jets
  • Allowing the Datamize team to revamp and take control of all of our digital communications has led to a staggering increase in online donations. Their mix of data, technology, and omnichannel fundraising expertise is very unique. They replatformed our website and designed a great experience. From the website overhaul and content on social media to the data-powered technology to help veterans in need, we have seen tremendous growth and a positive shift in our organization.
    Joseph VanFonda
    The Disabled Veterans National Foundation
  • Where do we begin! Judah and the Datamize team have been instrumental in helping us to amplify our online presence and marketing strategy. Their expertise in using targeted content through various media channels has led to an increase in online donations and has given us great visibility and reach as well. Traffic to our website has grown exponentially and the changes we have made based on their data-driven recommendations have proven to increase conversions. The best part is they have taken time to understand our mission and support it! They are really an extension of our in-house team and have become an integral part of operations.
    Julie Fitts Ritter
    Executive Director
    The Padre Pio Foundation of America
  • Datamize has been working with us to reach our most cherished audience and increase our online fundraising efforts. Our regular meetings really help to keep our projects on track and running smoothly. And the way they use data and technology is amazing. We are so grateful for their knowledge and expertise!
    Margaret Cuccinello
    Development Director
    Sisters of Charity

Trusted by

client stories

Partnering with our clients to make a big impact
Elite Jets + Datamize

Elite Jets has a true legacy of excellence. Their fleet features world-class Embraer jets representing the pinnacle of comfort, range, and efficiency. Their expertly trained team is on hand managing private jet charter experiences round the clock. And their pilots’ air mile averages over 10,000 each - seven times the industry standard to ensure safety. […]

DVNF + Datamize

The Disabled Veterans National Foundation’s philanthropic purpose has always been crystal clear. Founded in 2007 by six female vets, it exists to deliver indispensable support to disabled and vulnerable veterans across the US. The organization works tirelessly to help physically and psychologically affected vets, and improve the lives of men and women transitioning back into […]
