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for Nonprofits

Grow your fundraising revenue and impact

Save time and money on your data, technology, marketing, revenue-generating projects, management, and team development.

Exceed your goals

Are you looking to streamline your nonprofit organization's operations and maximize efficiency while achieving your objectives?

With us, you'll get a team of experts. All in one package, working at a high level of efficiency to achieve your objectives and exceed your goals.

You get a complete team

A database/digital marketing and technology strategist
A project manager and account manager
A data engineer and business intelligence analyst
A website developer and designer (UX and UI)
A video marketing and PR strategist
A professional copywriter
An omnichannel strategist
"Where do I begin! Judah and the Datamize team have been instrumental in helping us to amplify our online presence and marketing strategy. They are really an extension of our in-house team and have become an integral part of operations. Their expertise in using targeted content through various media channels has led to an increase in online donations and has given us great visibility and reach as well. Traffic to our website has grown exponentially and the changes we have made based on their data-driven recommendations have proven to increase conversions. The best part is they have taken time to understand our mission and support it! "...read more
Julie Fitts Ritter
Executive Director 
The Padre Pio Foundation of America
"Allowing the Datamize team to revamp and take control of all of our digital communications has led to a staggering increase in online donations. Their mix of data, technology, and omnichannel fundraising expertise is very unique. They re-platformed our website and designed a great experience. From the website overhaul and content on social media to the data-powered technology to help veterans in need, we have seen tremendous growth and a positive shift in our organization."...read more
Joseph VanFonda

nonprofit solutions

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Here's how it works

Increase donations
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Work with the development department to find innovative ways to communicate and fundraise. Fundraising support to increase donations of all types (monthly, individual, mid-level, DAFs, corporate, planned giving, and other large gifts). 
Create a great experience
Design, architecture, and content build-out to improve the user (prospect and donor) experience and increase conversion rates (signups and donations) from visits. Technology (CRM, CMS, Live Chat, PWA, Payment Types, AI, etc) recommendation and integration to improve the experience and save time.
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Marketing optimization & intel
Marketing strategic/tactical plan, budget creation/allocation, and optimization. Marketing and fundraising intelligence dashboard reporting for easy access at any time. This includes analytics, business intelligence, channel/source/medium campaign performance measurements, and reporting against plan and budget.
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Social media program
Social media strategy, planning, content creation, and execution. Monitor social media networks (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.). A repeatable and scalable system is created and executed.

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Research and discovery
Help identifying effective communication and strategies for targeting key audiences. Competitive research and identification of prospect and donor audiences; tracking and analyzation of news, trends, people, events, and topics of relevance/interest.
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Sponsored content and ads
Strategy, planning, and execution of all paid online advertising and sponsored social content. Includes Facebook/Instagram integration with direct mail. Plus Google Ad Grant Campaign/Ad group/Keyword strategy and execution.

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Email & SMS communication
Email content creation, copywriting, data strategy, and deployment. Strategies to grow, engage, and convert your email database. SMS programs are optional as well. 
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Data sourcing & integration
Target audiences are clearly defined and located. Messaging development and deployment to target audiences. Data integration: online and offline, Data asset integration with your team and technology.
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Operations for growth
Regular progress calls, monthly strategy calls, and quarterly business review strategy meetings. Plus access and communication through the operations, communication, and collaboration tool. A system and process to grow.

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Innovative solutions for nonprofits and companies that want to make a big impact.

See how you can increase your revenue and impact.